


PVHS Band Boosters


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the PVHS Band Boosters, Inc. serving Ponte Vedra High School Band

and Color Guard programs.

Article II – Purpose and Goal

The purpose of the PVHS Band Boosters (the “Band Boosters”) is to be a community service booster

organization supporting the Ponte Vedra High School Band and Color Guard Program, including Winter

Guard and Indoor Percussion, (the “Program”). The Boosters shall promote the interests of the students

of the Program, by providing organizational, educational, and financial support in concert with the Band

Director. This organization shall exclusively follow the charitable and educational purposes within the

meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code as a non-profit organization.

The goal of the Band Boosters is to assist the Band Director in the operations of the Program as follows:

• Financial:

o Purchase items for the Program as requested by the Band Director, manage Booster funds

and pay Program staff/designers as requested by the Band Director

o Expenditures greater than $500.00 shall require prior Board approval

o Conduct fundraising and sponsorship activities for the Program

o Provide monthly financials to the Band Director

• Booster Committees:

o Establish and manage Booster Committees as permitted by these Bylaws

o Recruit member parents for the Committees and liaise with the Committee chairs and the

Band Director

o Committees shall operate at the direction of the Booster Board and the Band Director

• Athletic Boosters:

o Act as liaison with Athletic Booster Board and feeder schools as needed

• Event Assistance: Assist the Band Director by organizing Program events and educational

opportunities for students

Article III – Role of the Band Director

• Program: The Band Director, as an employee of the school district, shall make all educational,

design, and implementation decisions for the Program, including engagement of staff, events,

musical and visual choices, and rehearsals

• Administration: The Band Director, as an employee of the District, shall liaise with the PVHS

Principal, Athletic Director, and other school administration regarding all aspects of the Program

Article IV – Membership and Meetings

Membership: The membership shall consist of all parents of current Program students. Members shall

observe all school rules and regulations, and support state standards and the direction of the


General Meetings: General Meetings for all members shall be held at least quarterly either on campus or

via conference call and shall be announced no later than the week prior to the meeting. All members

should attend all General Meetings. The President shall conduct all General Meetings according to the

Robert’s Rules of Order. Minutes shall be kept for all formal General Meetings by the Secretary or other

attending Officer. Minutes shall be reviewed and approved at the beginning of each meeting and then

published to the members.

Officers Meetings: Officer Meeting shall include all members of the PVHS Band Booster Board (defined in

Article VI). Officer Meetings shall be held at least quarterly and more often as may be determined by the

Board. The President shall conduct all Officer Meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Minutes shall

be kept for all formal Officers Meetings by the Secretary or other attending Officer. Minutes shall be

reviewed and approved at the beginning of each meeting and then published to the members.

Special Meetings: Any Officer or Committee Chairman may call for a Special Meeting. If a Special Meeting

is called, then no less than all Officers and the Committee Chairman who requested the Special Meeting

shall attend. The President shall conduct all Officer Meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Minutes

for all Special Meetings shall be kept by the Secretary or other attending Officer. Minutes shall be

reviewed and approved at the beginning of each meeting and then published to the members.

Article V – Officers, Election of Officers and Term and Compensation

Officers: The Officers shall be the President, Vice President of Fund Raising, Vice President of Operations,

Treasurer, and Secretary.

Election of Officers and Term: Officers are to be elected in April for the next fiscal year. Members shall be

nominated by other members or nominate themselves for office. Members shall vote for officers by ballot

or by hand vote. Officers shall be elected for a one (1) year term, with a limitation of two (2) consecutive


No Compensation: Officers shall not be compensated by the PVHS Band Boosters, nor shall they receive

any gratuities, perquisites, or gifts from proposed or current vendors during their term as an officer.

Article VI – Officers’ Duties

President: Conduct all meetings. Organize projects along with sponsor. Obtain approval for all Booster

projects from appropriate authorities.

Vice Presidents: Assist President on all projects and fundraising events.

Secretary: Record and distribute all meeting minutes.

Treasurer: Manage and account for all monies collected and present a monthly financial report.

Article VII – Committees and Duties

Executive Committee: oversees all business and activities of the Band Boosters. This Committee shall be

led by the President.

Budget and Finance Committee: oversees the budget and all financial needs of the Boosters in support

of Program. This Committee shall be led by the Treasurer.Fund Raising Committee: oversees all fundraising activities and sponsorships of the Band and Color

Guard. This Committee shall be led by the VP of Finance.

Props Committee: works in conjunction with Band Director for the creation of the props for the Band

and Color Guard. This Committee shall be led by the VP of Operations.

Friday Night Lights Committee: oversees the needs of the Band for Friday night football games and set

up of all Band equipment in the stadium. Must work with the PVHS Athletic Director and custodial staff

for set up of Band food tent, seating and game day needs.

Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Committee: oversees all needs and events of the Winter Guard and

Indoor Percussion regiments of the Band including uniforms, props, travel, etc.

Transportation Committee: oversees all transportation needs of the PVHS Band and Color Guard


Food and Beverages Committee: oversees all food and beverage needs of the Band and Color Guard and

for pregame (Friday Nights) meals, competitions, or other events.

Uniform Committee: oversees all uniform needs of the Band and Color Guard programs during marching


Volunteer Committee: organizes all volunteer needs for Band events.

Equipment and Instrument Committee: ensures that all equipment and instruments are in good

working order and repair, and we maintain all rental agreements and safe return of all rented

instruments at the end of the year.

Banquet Committee: oversees and coordinate the end-of-year Banquet.

Media Day Committee: oversees all Media Day needs at the beginning of the School Year.

Social Media Committee: maintains PVHS social media accounts.

Alumni Coordinator: maintains the alumni database and invitations to alumni for band events.

Membership Committee: maintains a list of the Band Booster membership.

Newsletter Committee: maintains the Band newsletter and work with the Membership Committee to

make sure all information regarding the Band reaches its membership.

Nominations Committee: oversee the nominations and election of officers each year.

Middle School Liaison: work with the Band Director in special events for the local Middle Schools and aid

in the communication with Rising 9th Graders and their parents.

Senior Committee: oversee all Senior activities and needs.

Additional committees may be created by the Booster Board as needed. All Committees not specifically

led by an Officer as listed above may be led by a Member of the PVHS Band Boosters.

Article VIII – Booster Board

The Booster Board shall consist of the Officers and the Band Director.

Article IX – Amendments

The Bylaws may be amended at a General Meeting of the PVHS Band Boosters by two-thirds vote of

members present. Any recommendations of changes shall first be presented to the Executive Committee

for review, and members must be notified of the vote two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.

Article X – Termination

In the event of the dissolution of the PVHS Band Boosters, the residual funds and assets of the organization

will be turned over to Ponte Vedra High School, also a 501(c)3 organization as described by the Internal

Revenue Code, or to the St. John’s County school district for exclusive public purpose.

Article XI – Conflict of Interest

The Board and the Members shall not engage in any activities that are a conflict of interest with the PVHS

Band Boosters. As used herein, a conflict of interest is an actual or perceived interest by a Board

member/Membership that results in, or has the appearance of resulting in, personal, organizational, or

professional gain. All conflicts of interest are strictly prohibited.

The definition of conflict of interest includes any bias or the appearance of bias in a decision-making

process that would reflect a dual role played or any fiduciary gain by any member or family member of

the Band Boosters.

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